Saturday, April 15, 2023

The Answer Is Nothing

Just one of those days weeks months years.
Panel 1, I’m at my computer, I say, “Okay, what do I want to work on today?”, Panel 2, I stare at the screen, Panel 3, I’m still staring at it, Panel 4, I’m laying my head down on the table looking defeated.
Maybe I wouldn’t be so stressed and unable to write if I had enough money to live off of, but unfortunately that’s not going to happen, ha ha, this world is a dystopian nightmare.


  1. I'm in a similar state right now where it's hard to motivate for the day, but that springs out of grief.

  2. Yeah, it's hard to focus on writing when other worries take up the top position in your brain.

  3. Yes, some days just won't start off.

  4. I'm not too keen on how 2023 is going so far.


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