Saturday, January 30, 2016


Why does winter have to be so cold?
Seriously, I have like five blankets on my bed. I will never be warm enough.


  1. You and my wife! Never ask a skinny woman if she's cold, because the answer is always yes...

  2. I spend my mornings shivering. My damp hair doesn't help, but it takes so long to dry it and blow drying it just makes it brittle.

  3. ...but I've reached an understanding with the blankets, you see...

  4. Sometimes I double up on the blankets during our brief cold spells. I also wear several layers of clothes.

  5. It is nearly 10 PM and my weather app says it's 59 degrees outside. Of course, we're in the middle of a warming trend right now. And most of us are still shivering, for this is brutal cold for us. But if you'd like to go to the land of people who whine when the high for the day is 61, you know where to go.

  6. I read somewhere that people sleep better if they're covered with heavy blankets. Only about seven weeks of winter left!

  7. At my age, I'm never cold. It's January, and I'm still wearing t-shirts. I don't know if I'll ever be able to wear a sweater again.

  8. I love the weight of bedclothes on me when it's cold. And even when it's not... I hate trying to sleep in summer when it's too hot for any covers.


Please validate me.