Tuesday, September 6, 2022

September Goals

I’m writing this a week before the end of the month, so it’s a bit a head of schedule, but it’s also two days before I unplug from everything for a week so I’m probably not getting anything more done.
August Goals
1. Continue work on the new project, which is serial fiction rather than a full MS, so that’s a whole new thing to learn about.
It’s actually going pretty well, at least writing wise. Does anyone care? No. Do I know how to engage people? Also no. But at least I’m happy with the writing.
2. Actually finish the beta notes (and please don’t be too distracted by the above to do it!).
Did not get to this. Honestly, I’ve been very discouraged about this whole process. Writing is easy, but everything that comes next… not so much.
3. BIRTHDAY BIRTHDAY BIRTHDAY!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Again, this hasn’t happened yet, but I’m assuming this is going to go well. Plus there’s cake.
Not really a successful month. And as for September…
September Goals
1. Keep writing my new project to what I think will end up being the end of the first part.
2. Figure out how to engage more readers. Ugh, I am so very, very bad at this.
3. Actually get to the beta notes and edits. I fear I won’t, but I won’t let myself forget about it.
This is the September plan. What do you want to do this month? Are you happy the seasons are finally changing?


  1. Getting past the hot days of summer is always welcome to me.

  2. Hope you enjoyed both your birthday and your vacation. Those goals can wait until they're done.

  3. I hope your birthday went well.

    The seasons are changing? Really? Where? (We don't get out of the hot months for a few weeks at least. I mean, we've had sweltering Halloweens in the past. Not always. But it was 108 F on Sunday, so I'm not holding out hope for a quick cool down.)

  4. Never discount being happy with the writing. That is HUGE.

    Best of luck with your September goals. I hope your birthday went well and that the cake was amazing!!


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