Saturday, September 17, 2022

Driving Force

My mom needed to have her eyes dilated, so I’m sure you can guess who got roped into driving her home after.
Panel 1, me and my mom in my mom's car, with me driving, panel 2, she's yelling you're going to slow, panel 3, she's yelling you're going too fast, panel 4, she's yelling you're too close to that other car are you trying to get me killed and I snap back I will drive this car into the overpass
She’s even more hypercritical than usual.


  1. How does she even know how you're driving if she can hardly see anything?

  2. Some people just need to be in control.

  3. The last time I had my eyes dilated, the eye doc said I could drive. And I did. (Of course, home was 2 miles away on a straight road, and it was dark out.) I could see enough.

  4. Next time say no. Who needs that kind of stress in their life?

  5. LOL. I try to say anything to my daughter when she's driving. I do grab that handle on top of the door sometimes. She lives in the city and they do drive differently.

  6. Ugh. I dislike having my eyes dilated. And I also forget to bring sunglasses.


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