Saturday, January 20, 2018

Told You So

Sometimes they don’t understand no matter how many times you try to explain it.
Not pictured here is her going out and hiding under a table and then whining desperately to try to get me to go out and carry her back inside so she doesn’t have to touch the snow.

She’s a delicate flower.


  1. Did you go out and get her so she wouldn't have to touch the snow?

  2. I expected my dog to act like that when we took her to the snow a couple of years ago, but she ended up loving it.

  3. Calvin knew better than to go out in it. Hobbes however would just plow right through it, even when it was a foot deep. She'd eat it and roll in the snow. (This is when we lived in ABQ.)

  4. Thankfully we don't get snow here so I don't have to go and rescue my girls from it. They both seem to like going out in the rain though, and delight in coming back in and rubbing their soaking wet fur all over us.

  5. It's like they don't listen to logic and reason ;)

  6. Why should she listen to you? Humans know nothing! LOL


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