Tuesday, August 9, 2016

More Weird Searches

It’s that time again! And in all fairness, it’s been awhile since I’ve looked up the weird-ass stuff that people have searched for to the point that it’s one of the top auto-fill-in suggestions.

…How can I keep from singing. Maybe try closing your mouth?

Clearly the bottom ones are from people who are trying to understand what their kids are saying.

Stick your head out the window and look up at the sky. If water is falling down on you, then it’s raining.

Maybe you’re so tired because it keeps you up at night that people are searching for reasons why their poop is green.

I have to wonder if all four of these are related in some way.


  1. My kids thought one of these was hilarious when they started typing A-D-O and got Adobe this, Adobe that, Adobe the next thing, Adolf Hitler, another Adobe product…. One of these things is not like the others, one of these things is not quite the same.

  2. At least the rain one was consistent.

  3. I love these. Always good for a laugh. What does the fox say is my favorite because that is exactly what I would expect to come up.

  4. Gosh, it seems as if a lot of people turn to Google for questions about their poop and the consistency thereof. Maybe they should consult a doctor?

  5. The last four are definitely tied together.

  6. I should remember to make note of some of these myself. I have gotten some weird ones.

  7. We need to clue the "what does" people into Urban Dictionary. That's my favorite tool to figure out what the kids are saying. (THOTs, anyone?)

  8. Have you heard of Google Feud? It's a game where you try to fill in the top 10 search terms people search on Google. Watched some youtuber play it and it was funny.

  9. I noticed the "is it" does have a theme.


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