Saturday, July 2, 2016

Known Issue

Have you ever thought that operating systems are designed by someone who really hates functionality? Because I have. Often.

There were several different fixes for the problem because, you know, it’s not like Microsoft ever bothered to correct what’s causing it even though it’s been happening for almost a year now. It’s like, hey, we’ll give you back the Start menu! But yeah, it randomly breaks. Whoops : (


  1. I now have Win10, you know, since I had to get a new computer. >:(

  2. This is why I love my Mac.

  3. Makes you want to strangle the help center at Microsoft Windows.

  4. I'm interested in getting rid of PCs all together and eventually ending up with a Mac.

  5. I keep saying NO to the update. Don't know how much longer I can hold out.

  6. Ever get the feeling these guys make things that don't quite work just to make sure they continue to have jobs?


Please validate me.