Tuesday, July 26, 2016


Hey, I have something cool for you today! It’s another one of those random tests I found that’s supposed to tell you everything about yourself. Normally I don’t believe in that sort of thing. But I found this one to be weirdly accurate.

Check out the Color Oracle. You organize colors with the top row as the ones you like the most and the bottom as the ones you hate. Then it tells you what’s important to you and what’s bothering you based on what colors you pick.

Anyway, I thought it was really fun. You should try it. Do you think it was accurate? Did it tell you anything interesting?

PS: Just one month until my birthday! Let the partying commence!!!


  1. Fun, but I kind of the hate when these silly tests are accurate. :D I want to be able to say "this is all pseudo psychological mumbo jumbo; I picked magenta because I like magenta", but it is creepily accurate in most parts.
    Happy early birthday!

  2. Mine was way off. Just because a dude hates pink doesn't mean he's emotionally unstable. He just doesn't like pink.

  3. Hmmm. Some of it I agreed with, others... not quite so much!

  4. I agree with you, Alex. That was an ugly pink.

    I'll have to look at this a bit later. When I'm not at work. And dealing with squirmy boys who can't sit still and can't understand why I don't want to hear their cell phones blaring...

  5. Interesting… But I think these tests use language that makes almost every option able to be interpreted as being accurate by almost anyone. The descriptions are pretty broad..

  6. I'll have to scan the site for sickness, then I'll see.

  7. The answers were so all over the map I have no idea if any of it was accurate.

  8. I love sites like this. I'll check it out now.

  9. I will check it out :) and happy way early birthday :)

  10. CHAMPAGNE A POPPING - love a party (as long as its over by 10pm coz that's my bedtime :)) I'll check out the colour thingy when I'm done with your birthday Champers. Cheers to the run-up :)

  11. Mine was pretty spot on, especially the color dislike ones.

  12. That was pretty weird. To be honest a lot of those colors were annoying shades anyway. I'm not sure any of it felt very accurate except the part about needing more alone time. I always need more alone time.


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