Monday, March 21, 2016

A-to-Z Challenge Theme Reveal

It’s almost here! Just over a week away now! And here’s my Theme Reveal post, which is why I’m posting a day early.

 A to Z Challenge Theme Reveal 3-21-2016

Come on. You know what I’m doing. It’s the same thing I did last year, and the year before that. It’s the same thing I do every Thursday pretty much without exception.

I love etymology. I think it’s fun and weird and interesting. The most bizarre words are related—black and bleach come from the same place, but ass (butt) and ass (donkey) do not. What the frigging HELL.

And that’s only the tip of the iceberg of bizarre things that are true about the words we say. So yes, I’m doing it again, and I can only assume I’ll do it again next year and the year after that and the year after that. Because it’s cool and there are plenty of subjects to analyze and also I don’t have to come up with any other post ideas for a month.

There you have it. Are you doing a theme for the Challenge this year? Are you doing the Challenge at all? What else do you have planned for April?


  1. Yes, I did know what your theme would be before I read this. I love your etymology posts. Looking forward to it!

  2. I loved your posts last year so I greatly look forward to them again this year :) See you in April.
    Tasha's Thinkings | Wittegen Press | FB3X (AC)

  3. Nice to know what you're writing about way ahead of time. Looking forward to your posts. :-)

  4. Fun idea! I look forward to reading your posts. Good luck with the challenge!

  5. Those posts are always fun. I'm not participating on my pwn blog but we are posting at the IWSG site.

  6. I enjoy etymology and have added a little of it to my theme too. =)

    ~Patricia Lynne aka Patricia Josephine~
    Story Dam
    Patricia Lynne, Indie Author

  7. This should be fun! Love etymology! See you in 10 days! ~Lori~

    Lori @ As the Fates Would Have It
    Lori @ Promptly Written

  8. One of these years you'll run out of things for X, I'm sure. The rest of the alphabet, however...

  9. Fun! Looks like an interesting Theme! I will be busy with the April A to Z Challenge as well, but I am also moving so I will be very busy! Can't wait to see your posts!

  10. Yay! More words! I learn a lot about the English language from these posts :) Cheers!

    @TarkabarkaHolgy from
    The Multicolored Diary

  11. Fascinating theme! and fun too. And it's a yes to both your questions, can't imagine not doing the A-Z come April, and can't imagine not doing a theme for the A-Z.

    Best wishes for a great challenge,

  12. When I was researching my posts I thought of you many times as the origins of words I used were so interesting.

  13. Will look forward to joining you in April with a theme that will be fun and teach me something new.

  14. The language was designed to confuse us, and the design has been flawless.

  15. I don't know what you're talking about. Words don't come from anywhere.

  16. Honestly, this sounds really fun. See you in April :0

  17. Probably the most unique theme I have read this year :)

  18. Etymology is always fascinating. I'm not doing the challenge, but I'll make my rounds commenting and I'm sure I'll learning many interesting things.

  19. Etymology is fun and educational!
    It's fascinating to read about the origin of words.

    My theme is showcasing bloggers books and book reviews. There will be loads of giveaways too!
    See you on the A to Z circuit!

    Writer In Transit

  20. I never thought about keeping the same theme every year. Mine was the 80s last year and I had a blast. I'd probably run out of things to say about it, though!

  21. I've always been fascinated with words too. They have so much to teach us, so many stories to tell.
    Great them :-)

    The Old Shelter - Jazz Age Jazz

  22. What a fascinating theme. I'm a word nerd so I've bookmarked your blog and added it to the top of my list of must visit blogs. I agree with the others that this is probably the most unique theme I've come across so far. So, I've also added it to a list of blogs that I blog about after the challenge. But, I have to wait and see what else pops up. Having said that, knowing my love for words and my love for the unusual and original I have a feeling your blog will remain one of my favorites. I'm really eager to see what you have planned for us. I can't believe you do the same thing every year and never run out of ideas, but that's what's so great about words and the human language. You've really got me psyched for the challenge.
    I'm number 244 on the theme reveal list if you get a chance please stop by.

  23. Love this idea. Words and language are always fun to explore and play around with and there's so many options of things to talk about :)

  24. lots to explore. I look forward to your dig into words

  25. Great theme. Maybe some cool viking words, like purse? Ha ha.

  26. Love your etymology posts, so I can't wait for a month of them.

  27. I have the OED word of the day feed to my blog - but your word a day in April will be even more fun (I wonder if OED will join AtoZ?)
    Jemima Pett

  28. I love words and their history so I am happy I'm here. Have to check your previous posts as well I'm in the challenge for 1st year. Hope I survive :S

  29. Word power
    Good to visit your site as a part of my A to Z visits. My theme Blog Promotion
    Welcome to A to Z April Blogging Challenge 2016 - Co-Participant - Nrao
    NRao Blogs - 2016 A to Z Challenge Blog Posts
    Management Theory Review

  30. From one word-lover to another. Can't wait to read about words!

  31. What a fun theme! This is my first year. Pleased to meet you.
    @ffmamacoach from
    <a herf="> Fabulous Fit Mamas</a>


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