Tuesday, February 6, 2024

February Goals

Great, an entire month is over already. I’m really getting sick of this happening. What did I plan to do last month?
January Goals
1. Work on some old projects to recharge enough to edit.
I must have recharged because I actually got to editing. It’s a miracle!
2. Update my etymology page again. Remember when this didn’t used to be torture?
I did this, and as always, it made me miss old Blogger so much. It used to be so easy…
3. UGH! Jury Duty! Hopefully I won’t get picked, because that would suck. And have I mentioned the bridge that I have to take to the courthouse is partially closed?
Yay! It’s done! They haven’t paid me my twenty five bucks yet. Twenty five dollars… Yeah, that makes giving up an entire day of my time worth it.
What a month. I’m so tired. And now we have February…
February Goals
1. Finish my notes for the latest WIP. Most of said notes so far are “word it better” and “actually describe this”.
2. Start working on my editing notes. We’re at almost eight hundred one thousand twelve hundred for the final count. Hence why I said start.
3. Keep editing my web serial. Only about nine chapters left in part two…
Ugh, goals. UGH, February. What do you want to accomplish this month?


  1. You only get $25 for doing jury duty? I've only done it once and it was about 20 years ago, but I remember it being only about a third less than my daily wages.

  2. Wow, you get paid for jury duty? Nice. (Yup, we get nada.) I read somewhere that our reward for getting through January is February, and it was implied that that was less a reward than a punishment. So, happy February?

  3. I'm just continuing my self publishing my books I received the rights back for and working very slowly on the new one. Good luck with your goals.

  4. I don't think my significant other has ever been paid for jury duty, and he served in two different states. Interesting.

    Best of luck with your editing notes (and the rest of your goals this month, too, obviously...). Mine never seem to stop piling up. Hope that does not happen to you!


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