Saturday, June 18, 2016


Another totally true story.

You may have noticed that my bun is a lot smaller than it used to be. That’s because I cut off most of my hair a couple of weeks ago. Also because of summer.


  1. Show the world outside melting from the heat and humidity and you'll have the main reason I don't like summer. Oh, and show the grass growing. Really, really fast. Because it loves that humidity.

  2. I'm not allowed to complain about summer anymore.

  3. I tough it out, long hair and all. It might be warm in the summer, but in winter, I have built-in ear muffs and a scarf.

  4. I'm in Michigan, so the weather here isn't sure if it wants to be summer yet.

  5. And then there's the whole mosquito problem.

  6. Having just spotted some ants near my desk, this is all true to life! :)

  7. Yeah, I've been meaning to go and get my hair cut. Somehow, that always seems to take me months and months.

  8. I've put some Terro ant traps in my kitchen. Can't stand them.

  9. Yeah, the ants. We've got them too.
    But summer also brings entertainment in the form of white-winged moths flying up against our glass door -- and the cat leaping wildly into the air trying to catch them. As shown on last Monday's blog post ...


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