Saturday, June 25, 2016

One Of Those Days

Seriously, the universe is out to get me.

In my defense, it was like the third time that day I had to clean up cat puke.


  1. At least the cat puke wasn't in your water...

  2. They can never throw up just once. It has to be multiple times and preferably on the carpet.

  3. Think positively…. At least the cat wasn't puking bugs into your glass.

  4. Would you like me to lend you Luna, my bug-catching cat who will nab and eat those bugs before they can land in your glass?

  5. You're not alone. I'm constantly cleaning cat puke and hairballs. I have to make sure I'm never out of paper towels.

  6. I know that feeling. Although, not with bugs in water or cat puke, but that feeling the world is out to get me.

  7. Nothing quite like finding dog poop in your bathroom. But not before stepping in it. In bare feet. (In other words, I feel your pain. I hope it got better.)

  8. And the cats always puke on carpet not the kitchen floor where it would be easy cleanup.


Please validate me.