Tuesday, May 24, 2016

From The Spamfiles

It’s been something like two months since I’ve had one of these! To anybody who’s new to this whole thing, The Spamfiles is where I keep track of all the weird, stupid, and downright perplexing spam messages I get. Case in point…

So am I going to get any explanation as to how you’ve been probing around my stomach? Because I’m way more interested in that.

By a “similar” surname, they mean different in every possible way.

Your life is at stake! These bomb emojis are going to kill you!

And now for all you bear blinding enthusiasts, here’s the flashlight for you!

Justified ball moves currently in my brain cage!!!

And now for all you Twitter users out there, here’s a way to grow your followers naturally, without the use of pesticides or fertilizers.


  1. But does the Twitter service use growth hormones? I'm way more concerned about those...

  2. LOL! There are some really strange people in the world. I do hope your stomach is okay - LOL! So pleased I don't read my spam :) Have a great 'spamless' week.

  3. Poor Yogi isn't going to know what hit him.

  4. Your surname also has letters in it, right? No numbers?

  5. I am so referring to my skull as a brain cage from now on.

  6. What does "Adrian" know that you don't? How is your life at stake? Vampires?

  7. That justified ball in the brain cage is getting to be a world-wide epidemic. So many sufferers forced to give their millions of dollars away to strangers they picked over the internet. A darn shame.

  8. You've got to love the dying story scammers, though that's the first time I've heard Canada invoked by a scammer.

  9. I'm not sure my Twitter followers want or need a growth spurt!

  10. You must be rich, getting a piece of the 5 million. You always make me laugh. I never open those things in my spam folder. Too scared.


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