Tuesday, July 30, 2024

From The Spamfiles

This is quite a bit less depressing than everything that’s going on in the world.

Message from Blanca Saunders (again), saying respond ASAP and an emoji with heart eyes, two fifty to five hundred dollars per days, please answer, we must hear from you now
Obvious Scam Sign #1: the “per Days” thing, which is just bad grammar; Obvious Scam Sign #2: the heart eyes emoji, which, come on, weird; Obvious Scam Sign #3: the amount it pays, which is an actual living wage and almost no job pays that.

Message from Meta, saying Facebook, please verify your account, we’ve noticed some unusual activity! Then the number 6500 and the word Hi, and everything is bolded
The unusual activity is that I don’t have a Facebook account.

Message from Diego Hernando, saying Profit Immediately with FaceSwap’s Exclusive Holiday Special! Then it also says two fifty to five hundred dollars per days
Since I shouldn’t have to go through the obvious scam signs again, I’ll just speculate what FaceSwap might be. Is it like the movie Face/Off? I never actually saw that one.

Message from USA Wild Seafood Af. saying Save fifteen dollars on wild caught fish to your door, introducing the Seafood Delivery Service You…
They catch the fish and immediately drive it to your door. Save fifteen dollars!

A text message from a random number saying Review a debit of $480 on your account, then giving me a totally not suspicious link to click
Love that it’s a dot au domain. I guess this is the Australian Peoples Credit Union, which isn’t much use to me.

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