Tuesday, May 30, 2023

From The Spamfiles

Happy Spam Day! I love months with five Tuesdays in them.

Message from Hot Butt (I’m not kidding) saying I really want you to fuck me tonight, enter to meet me
I can one hundred percent guarantee that I don’t want to meet anyone with the email address “Hot Butt”.

Message from Planet 7, saying please verify your informations, payout verification
Protip: don’t give out your informations to anyone who spells it informations.
 Message from Checkbright at Basicknit, saying lose 52 pounds in 28 days
Okay, if I’m down fifty two pounds in twenty eight days, I’ve lost a limb—possibly two.

Message from noor, ellipsis, followed by random letters and numbers, saying reward inside, confirm receipt, no tricks
They say no tricks so obviously they’re telling the truth.
New Tumblr follower 999 Antiques, which has in the bio “We buy, we pawn, we do consignments, collateral loans
Most of the spambots following me on Tumblr are just pictures of half-naked women with empty blogs, so this one that is trying to get me to sell/pawn stuff is pretty unique. Not to mention way off for Tumblr’s userbase.


  1. I don't think you could starve yourself to death and lose that much weight in under a month.

  2. Pawn spam is a new angle. I got me one that suggests I'm shipping arms to Ukraine.

  3. I think that person mixed up pawn and porn....

  4. Kate wins the comments for today.


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