Saturday, May 12, 2018

It Gets Everywhere

It’s getting to be time to cut my hair again.
 Huh, I wonder if I could sell my hair for money to buy a new laptop…


  1. LOL! That's our house. I can't blame hair over 2 feet long on the cats. Only the problem is it sometimes ends up in the food.

  2. You can donate hair; I don't know if you can sell it.

  3. Yup, I was there last month. I got mine cut way down. It feels so good.

  4. I can always tell when hubby's beard is getting long because my hair gets stuck in it. XD

  5. Since I shave my head, I have no hair, and yet every once in awhile I find the odd stray hair on my shirt, or my backpack.


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