Saturday, October 15, 2016

I May Need To Burn The House Down

If you follow me on Twitter, you’ve probably gotten bored of my constant complaining about the crickets in my house being so loud that they keep me awake at night. It’s pretty awful. Both the crickets and the fact that I won’t shut up about them. But they’re just SO LOUD. Definitely a horror story if I’ve ever heard one.
I don’t remember them being this bad last year. It’s like they’ve all moved into my walls and want to drive me insane. They’re conspiring together. Plotting.

…I haven’t slept in days.


  1. Time to call an exterminator. And if they aren't in the walls, time to fire the cats for not doing their job.

  2. You just need to learn how to accept it as a serenade.

  3. And just to be safe, you'll have to nuke it from orbit.

  4. Sooooo, I guess you won't be buying lizards as pets. They require a supply of live crickets as a food source. And guess what? When you have young teens and pre-teens doing the feeding, the crickets tend to escape a lot. And breed.

    Have I scared you off lizards?

  5. Ugh. I'm with you. Things that make noise are as bad as things that bite. Are earplugs an option for you?

  6. I'm sorry. I was actually in a classroom with a cricket the other day. Not so bad when you're supposed to be awake (and the kiddos were "working"--read: talking amongst themselves). In a house... I don't know how you get rid of that. I guess that's why the Chinese consider them lucky. As a way of redefining them?

  7. Isn't it lucky to have a cricket in your house? On the other hand, any kind of bug creeps me out. Ewww...

  8. Crickets are the worst about that. You can never find where the buggers are to stop the noise. ><


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