Saturday, December 5, 2015


December: the month where charities assume that by annoying you, they can get you to donate. Logic!

I really, really hate them. So much.


  1. I'd testify that the bell had it coming...

  2. I don't know why they all just expect us to be able to bleed money just because it's December.

  3. I don't see that too much where I am. I get it mostly at registers. They want me to buy toys for needy children or make some other type of donation.

  4. I've never had a problem in terms of the Salvation Army, though I tend to give at those kettles where the attendants aren't ringing the bells.

  5. Passed by one woman ringing the bell who happened to be blind. I'm not sure if it was easier or harder to walk past her.

  6. I actually like the bell ringers. I always give especially when they're standing out in the cold.

  7. I've never seen a charity worker ringing bells; in Britain, that would be equated with a town crier (Hear ye! Hear ye!) I dislike the in-your-face aspect though. We already do plenty for charity via friends and other connections, but I'm still made to feel bad by giving them the brush off.

  8. I've never seen a charity collector with a bell, but I did get guilted into paying $2 for a silly canvas bag today in the name of charity. I recycled it by making it part of my secret Santa gift for the work Xmas party on Friday....

  9. South Park had a funny episode on "charity shaming" at the grocery store register.


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