Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Slowing Down

What a month already. If I had known it was going to go this bad, I would have made different goals for the month because life is really getting in my way back now (as Saturdays post indicated). It takes every bit of effort I have just to concentrate on the stuff that I have to work on, so when I do have free time, well, I really need it to try and relax (now there’s on oxymoron for you).

Sigh. I’m quite bummed about this, especially since August is my birthday month and only good things are supposed to happen. I can only hope that when it comes, September will get rid of all the stressful things and maybe I’ll actually have some time to write.

I guess that’s it for today. Sorry I couldn’t be more entertaining : P. As I’m typing this I’m also downloading Windows 10, so fingers crossed there aren’t any huge issues. Maybe next week I’ll be able to review how horrible it is, but at least it’s less horrible than Windows 8.

Later, gators.


  1. I haven't taken them up on the Windows 10 thing yet. I'll be waiting with bated breath to hear about your experience. (I have 7 and hate 8/8.1, so to say I'm gun-shy is an understatement.)

  2. I'm with Melissa. I'm going to hold out just a little longer.
    Hope things improve in time for your birthday.

  3. I think it's still too early for Win10. The two people I know here who downloaded it had it do some bad things to their computers.

  4. I agree, this month is from hades. No comment on Windows 10-- pretty sure my aged computer can't handle it anyway. I still have Vista.

  5. Hopefully Windows 10 doesn't go all Skynet on you.

  6. Fingers crossed things improve. Life shouldn't be so hard. I can't comment on Windows 10. I use a Mac.

  7. Oh, yikes. Windows 10. I shudder to think what they may have come up with.

  8. Good luck with Windows 10. I, too, am still on Vista. And fingers crossed that all of August isn't awful. I mean, it could still get better.

  9. Ugh, Windows. Good luck. I hope it's better...but I'm not holding my breath.

    Great suggestion for the tattoo, by the way :) Thank you!

    I hope you get a chance to relax soon!

  10. I really like Windows 10. I'm glad this update worked. I hope things look up for you. My life is becoming stressful this week. Sigh.


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