Tuesday, October 31, 2023

From The Spamfiles

Happy Halloween! We’re celebrating with spam. Because it’s sooooo spooooooky!
 Message from Pittsburgh saying Confirmation, your name came up, customer survey
Apparently I’ve been invited to review the city of Pittsburgh, a place I’ve never been to, as I am one of their customers!

Message from Ashfaq Ahmad, saying content for approval, I hope this message finds you well, I am reaching out to express my interest…
I don’t know what content they have, but I assume it’s some sort of scam, and possibly a virus as well.

Message from Blanca Saunders, saying Go Get It Now, $250-$500 per Days, congratulations, this is yours now
Two hundred fifty to five hundred per days! That sounds totally like something a real actual person would say!

Message from Blanca Saunders again, saying Attention Tom Cruise Fans, $250-$500 per days, dear, this is your chance to enjoy…
I don’t know how I got on Blanca’s mailing list, but I wish she’d leave me alone. Also I can’t stand Tom Cruise.

 My latest follower on Tumblr, Amber, who has a bunch of suggestive photos and videos in her profile, none of whom are the same woman
Bots come in bursts on Tumblr. It’s quiet now, but a few weeks ago, I was getting a lot, most of which are empty. Amber here is a rarity because she actually filled her blog with these pictures, all of which seem to be from different people who I swear don’t look like real people.


  1. It's the ultra reclusive but exhibitionist Society of Ambers, throwing themselves at you.

  2. Why do bots always have photos of hot girls taking mirror selfies as the profile pic? So weird!

  3. LOL. I don't like Tom Cruise either. I think I got the same spam about content the other day.


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