Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Restricted Item

I definitely didn’t run into this the last time I bought superglue.
Panel 1, I’m at a cash register, the cashier scanning items, Panel 2, the cashier holds up an item and says “Sorry, but we have to check people’s IDs when they buy this now.” And I say, “Superglue???” and she says, “Yeah.” Panel 3, I hold out my ID, Panel 4, I say, “What… what are people doing with it?” and she says, “No idea, but clearly they found a way for it to get them high.”
I’ve heard of people huffing glue to get high—somehow—but I never encountered restrictions on it before.


  1. Dumb, because they can still use it to get high anyway.

  2. I haven't run into that (and I did buy superglue recently), but it doesn't surprise me. Sadly.

  3. This is weird ... People sniff so many things like petrol and paint to get high.

  4. I guess if you could stick the end of the tube up your nose and get high. Just be careful not to glue it to the inside of your nose. XD


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