Saturday, November 17, 2018


My sister’s landlord made her give up her cat ( :( ) so she gave it to my mom, who is pretty much the person you can give cats to.
 Most of the time the cats just sleep on the furniture. I mean, they are people after all.


  1. LOL! Spunky loved his cat bed, but none of our other cats have ever used them.

  2. My cat used his bed until the dog decided she wanted to have that bed, which was almost right away. Mostly, it doesn't get used.

  3. Cats aren't people! They would never lower themselves to be called people!

  4. That is amazing! LOL

  5. My cats actively shun the cat bed we bought them. And they seem to change where they like to sleep week to week. At the moment, one of them has taken to sleeping on the dirty laundry.

  6. Your sister must have gotten rid of the box the bed came in right away...

    That landlord sucks. Was it a sudden decision?

  7. One of my cats has a fascination for my lap. Another one prefers the bed. Yes, they are people, after all!


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