Saturday, September 15, 2018

Donut Worry

Another true story in the ever increasing list of “Oh my god, Peaches, what have you done now?”

She chewed and licked almost an entire box of donuts. I’ve bought these before and left them on the counter and this hasn’t happened. I don’t know what got into her, but she went nuts for them this time. And the box I got to replace them, which I wisely kept in a drawer.


  1. Did she eat through the lid to get to them?

  2. um...
    My cat knows better than to get on the counter or the table.

  3. That wouldn't have happened in my case.

    I hate doughnuts.

  4. Must hide all food. Apparently Peaches cannot be trusted.

  5. I left my desk for a moment yesterday and came back to Star helping himself to my breakfast bagel. But neither he nor Rocket know how to reach the kitchen counter, so food there is safe.

  6. Donuts. ahhhhh. How is Peaches' weight looking? I wrote a post about donuts last week: Attack of the Killer Donuts.

  7. Maybe someone dropped catnip on them. o.o


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