Saturday, July 22, 2017


A lot of times these days, I’ve noticed that when you get a reminder for an appointment or something you get a robo-call. Some people don’t like it. But I really don’t mind.

It only took thirty years for something to finally know how to pronounce my name.


  1. Smart machine.
    We get a call, text, and email. They really don't want us to forget.

  2. Just go by "Bob" and you wouldn't have that problem.
    I think everyone should go by Bob.

  3. It's the "your call is important to us, please stay on the line" every twenty seconds that drives me nuts about automated phone systems.

  4. That's the great thing about computers. You're not at the behest of a person who may have never seen a name like Anahi or Ximena before. (And I'm not making those names up.)

  5. You have a point. I think most robo calls pronounce names correctly.

  6. I had to deal with mispronouncing and misspelling in school, which is why I gave up and went by my middle name.

  7. It's frustrating to have your name mispronounced all the time. Sometimes it's butchery. Our family gets Girly a lot for Gourley. How does one get that from that?


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