Saturday, November 7, 2015

Like A Jungle In There

A mostly true story…

 My mom will complain about me having the least bit of clutter. But an onion threatening to engulf her house is okay.


  1. She needs to use more onions in recipes if they are sticking around long enough to sprout. We go through three to five pounds a week at our house.

  2. Hah!

    Well, it's time to cook a few things for the freezer with an emphasis on onions.

  3. I'm not big on onions. I only buy a few. When I go to other people's houses, I've seen some that have sprouted.

  4. We don't use onions much. Only tend to use half at a time and then I'll find the other half going green. I can understand!

  5. Onions and potatoes. That's why I no longer buy them until I'm going to use them.

  6. That would be my house if I bought things like onions or potatoes. Which is really the reason why I don't buy them anymore. I just get what I need when they're needed.

  7. My onions always seem to sprout. My kids keep asking if they can plant them in the garden, but I'd have an entire yard full of onions if I did that....


Please validate me.