Today I’m looking at loiter, because…well, I don’t really
need to justify it. It’s my blog. I don’t know why I feel the need to.

Loiter showed up in the early fifteenth century with basically the same meaning, coming from the Middle Dutch loteren, erratic or to shake like a sail
in a storm. It’s probably related to the Old English word lutian, which means lurk
(although for the record is not related to our word lurk),
as well as the word loddere, beggar...makes sense, as people are never at their kindest when referring to the homeless.
An interesting backstory, isn ’t it?
Tony Jebson’s page on the Origins of Old English
I remember last time coming here and seeing "idle." Is there a theme other than etymology? ;)
ReplyDeleteI would never have thought loiter had anything to do with shaking like a sail in a storm :)
Tasha's Thinkings | Wittegen Press | FB3X (AC)
I never think of erratic when I hear the word loiter.
ReplyDeleteInteresting history indeed!
ReplyDeleteThat's an odd backstory for loiter. I wonder how they come up with this stuff sometimes.
ReplyDeleteThat's an odd backstory for loiter. I wonder how they come up with this stuff sometimes.
ReplyDeleteI didn't understand how that word came from that at all.
ReplyDeleteI may have gotten into trouble for this once or thrice in HS... :)
ReplyDeleteLoiter is one of those words we really don't get much use out of.
ReplyDeleteAre you justified?
ReplyDeleteDid Blogger just eat my comment? I thought I hit publish...
ReplyDeleteAh well, I was just expressing confusion, but that's nothing new. How shake like a sail in a storm means loiter. Unless that's one way of putting how someone loitering over you makes you feel...
I don't know, I think I'm somewhat kind when referring to the homeless. I think loitering can get people into trouble and lurking can be perceived as up to no good too!
I couldn't work out how erratic figures into it, but maybe these loitering beggars were shaking like a sail in a storm because they were so cold living outdoors in their rags?
ReplyDeleteAnother word origin that actually makes sense. Shocking.