Well, another month bites the dust.
Was it more successful than April? Marginally. Not that it didn’t have its own
pain-in-the-assery to deal with.
What was I supposed to be doing this
May Goals
1. Start making
notes for my other WIP, because I
feel more enthused about working on that project than my other one.
I did do this. Now I have, like, four hundred. Oi, rough
2. Hopefully
actually get to the notes on WIP 1 this time.
Yes, I finally finished these. Time to find some more beta
3. Find something to do to recharge
myself creatively. I have no idea what, though.
I came up
with a stupid project to keep myself entertained. It was a lot of fun and I was
able to get through all my notes.
So I got more done, but still. What
a freaking month. And now we’ve got summer on us.
June Goals
1. Get more beta reads for WIP 1. I
still have a lot of questions about what works and what doesn’t.
2. Distract myself from the above by
working on all the notes for the other WIP.
3. Update etymology page. I don’t
want to forget!
That’s the plan, anyway. How I wish
this was ten years ago when there were all those blog events that connected
people. I had a bunch of beta readers back then!
Anyway, what do you want to do this