Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Damn Ants

I’m getting this set up to post by itself today because I’m sure I’ll be busy all day fighting the tiny ants invading the kitchen.

I’m not a fan of bugs. I’m even less a fan of them in my house. Outside—fine. That’s their turf. I won’t bother them. But you crawl around on my laptop and I will end you.

It’s the freaking kitchen, so I don’t want to use ant spray. In order to get rid of them, I tried washing down everything with a baking soda solution. Nope. Still crawling around. Tomorrow, I’m adding a lemon. Next, vinegar. After that…I don’t know. I might end up grabbing a flame thrower and torching the kitchen because fire is the only way to get it clean.

I really, really hate the ants.


  1. Yesterday I had ants in the kitchen too. I knew if I didn't use something harsh they would just keep coming back. (Been there done that) So I got a killer/barrier. moved everything near the effected area out of the kitchen and into the diningroom and sprayed away. Once everything was double dead, I cleaned them away, and washed everything down with soap and water. No more ants in the kitchen.

  2. Supposedly, peppermint works too.

    A couple years ago we had serious issues with ants. We got the kitchen remodeled. While the kitchen was down, no ants. As soon as the tile was up, they came back.

    Exterminator. Worth every penny.

  3. How are they getting in? I've found that a caulking gun works wonders...

  4. So you hate ants then do you? I would never have guessed. Hope the creepy crawlies have wised up and moved out.

  5. My parents had that last year, and bought a poison. The ants go inside, inadvertantly pick it up, go back to their nests, and it kills off the whole colony.

  6. Yuck! Sorry about the bug infestation....at least it's not cockroaches though!

  7. I have an ant invasion too, but I feel bad killing them. They are so clever and industrious! But I hate it when they swarm over my cat food bowls ;)


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