You know what? I don’t want to reflect on 2016. It was terrible. Like, beyond awful. Like, someone waking you up in the middle of the night by smacking you in the head with a hammer. No, wait. That’s not painful enough.
Ugh, this year can go and die.
1. Hopefully carve out time to write a new book!
Well, I started one. It’s only a fourth of the way done, but it’s better than nothing.
2. Keep updating the blog three times a week. I know this seems like an easy one since I’ve been doing that for years, but sometimes it seems like I’m out of time. So no matter what, keep blogging!
I did miss a week once. Because 2016 is just like being thrown off a cliff into a lake of boiling water.
3. Try to finish the horror story I started writing last year. Hopefully I can find the time!
I didn’t do this, because I couldn’t find the motivation to do it. If I don’t have fun writing it, I can’t imagine someone having fun reading it, so it’s probably for the best.
4. Maybe start a progress bar for my goals so I can see how far I’m getting.
Wow, I just straight up didn’t do this. I didn’t even remember it was a goal. Whoops?
5. Do the A-to-Z Challenge again! Which means I better get started on those posts.
Another success. It was definitely one of the more fun parts of the year.
6. Win a hundred million dollars in the lottery so I can just write for the rest of my life. This one might be tough.
I’m really mad that I didn’t make this goal. It’s totally unfair.
7. Read more. Just ‘cause why not?
Yes, I did. It was fun. I do wish that it was even more!
So that was 2016. It was way worse than the pretty font color I picked would indicate. It was like having your skin removed and replaced with a concentrated acid.