Tuesday, July 7, 2015

July Goals

The year is now more than half over. I think it’s safe to say I’ve accomplished nothing.

June Goals
1. Try to find more time to write. And, you know. Write.
I did do this, and fairly successfully I think. Yay!

2. Finish that short story from last month. Well, last last month. Yes, this is a separate goal. I couldn’t think of anything else I’ll be doing this on the weekend, which is technically my free time.
Only a “kind of” on this one, as I worked on it, but as usual, it was a bit longer than I thought it would be.

3. Update the etymology page again. It has to be done sometime!
Yay! Did it! Using Excel for this is so much easier than Word. It comes out in such nice, even rows. Seriously, go look at it. It’s a thing of beauty.

Actually pretty good. Let’s hear it for realistic goals! And now, for this month…

July Goals
1. Figure out what I want to do with the fantasy idea that I have. Obviously I want to write a book, but I have to see about having the time!

2. Work on my other projects and hopefully make enough money to, you know, live.

3. Start working on extra post ideas because next month is August and you know that’s vacation month. And my birthday! WOOOO!

Okay, so that’s what I have planned for July. I think I can do it. What about you?


  1. Your etymology page looks really good!
    Where are you going on vacation?

  2. Excel is one of those things I've monkeyed around with once or twice.... but I'd need a brush up sort of lesson on it.

  3. Realistic goals are the ones to make because you have a better chance of accomplishing them.

    Like Alex, I want to know where you're going on your vacation. :)

  4. I think I'm going to go full unbirthday.

  5. August is the month after my birthday, so I don't consider it a vacation month. But that's just me. Congrats on making your goals. Well, mostly.

  6. Even if you don't meet ALL your goals, just knowing you had some and you worked toward them feels good. Hope you're looking forward to your vacation. Vacation! Yay!

  7. Summer is such a difficult time for me to make and keep goals. Glad you're doing better than me.
    Susan Says

  8. I'm with Susan - summer is so not the time for me to be productive. I just want to go to the beach...


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