Tuesday, September 11, 2018

September Goals

How are we in September already? Ugh. UGHHHHHHHHH.

Just fifty more weeks until my birthday.

August Goals
1. Work on the new idea rolling around in my head.
I didn’t do as much as I would have liked. Maybe it was just August, but I was feeling especially lazy.

2. Don’t do anything on the WIP. I need a break from it. I know it seems weird to have not doing something as a goal, but I keep feeling tempted to tweak it some more.
Well, I did this. It was pretty easy. But not as easy as…

3. BIRTHDAY! Birthday birthday birthday. Have I mentioned it’s going to be my birthday?
Not enough cake, if I’m being honest.

All right, what do I need to do this month?

September Goals
1. Prepare my WIP (and myself) for beta reads. I cannot believe this is happening.

2. Work on the notes for my new idea.

3. Update my etymology page. It’s been at least three months since the last one.

So that’s what I want to do this month. What are you planning?


  1. Good luck with your goals! Beta readers are scary but awesome.

  2. Beta readers are your friends - don't fear them.

  3. I hope you pick me to be a beta reader... Honestly, I'm nice...

  4. Too much cake leads to cake comas.

    I'll risk it.

    Especially if we're talking black forest cake.

  5. One can never have enough cake...

    Ah yes, September. Time to start the Christmas knitting...

  6. Hope you manage to achieve most of your goals. I don't set goals month-wise. I do it day-wise. There a to-do list on the scheduler of my calendar, and I strike off what I have managed to do.
    I am interested in your etymology page!

  7. I am planning to pour more writing time on my WIP. I feel a renewal of ideas. And There are always quilts, my gr-daughters.

  8. This reminds me I need to update my websites and blog. Ugh.

    After a long dry spell with writing, I'll be publishing two novels before the end of the year. I hope I'm not biting off more than I can chew.


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