Thursday, January 20, 2011

Editing Woes

Hey, all. It has been a productive week writing-wise, despite some interruptions. Whenever I start on a new project, I'm always in a great mood. I enjoy typing out my first draft and really discovering the story (remember: I never outline beforehand : ). It's a new adventure, much like reading a book for the first time.

Editing is always where I get my hangups. The reason I started a new project is because that I was so frustrated with editing, I wanted to delete the whole thing and forget about it. And that would be an absolute mistake because I really love this book and I would call it the best thing I've written so far.

What do you guys think of editing? Personally, I don't mind combing through it for word over-usage or continuity or the dreaded POV-shift. It gets tedious, but I can deal with it. I usually get frustrated when I take it apart piece by piece, analyzing each paragraph, each sentence, each word to make sure it is strong and what I mean to say. But the worst part is the "does this make sense?" part. It's hard for me to put myself in the mind of a reader when the book is something I've written.

Do any of you have that problem, or any problem with editing? Any advice for when I get back to it?


  1. Edit is a four letter word! But I'm in the midst of it now, and it's going ... well, it's going. :) My advice when you're frustrated is to walk away and let it simmer. Come back to it when you're ready. It always works for me. :)

  2. Just finished an edit...I'm not quite sick of it but just about. I definitely feel your pain.

  3. I'm weird. I prefer the edit phase. The first draft phase, with its blank pages that I have to fill, is the worst. I'm much happier when I have words and paragraphs to work with, play with, and make better.

  4. I hate editing, too. It helps me to just be organized. I make a list of everything I need to do, from the basic line edit stuff to places where I feel I need to spice things up, or just lengthen a scene, research something, etc.

  5. Hey, JE. I'm with you. I do like drafting but revision is tough. The harder it's going the more you need it. Good luck.

  6. I like micro editing, but I hate macro editing. You know, looking at the big picture stuff and trying to figure what's working and not working structurally. The best part of revisions for me is when all the big things are done and I get to line edit. Then I know I'm on the home stretch.

    I wish I had advice for you, but it looks like we're in the same boat!

  7. I'm doing a little bit of editing as I go along- things I see out of place- but no serious revisions yet.


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