Tuesday, June 4, 2024

June Goals

Somehow, it’s June already. Summer is weeks away, as is the midway point of the year. I’m sure I’ve accomplished absolutely nothing.
May Goals
1. Start writing something new.
Kind of. I’ve been fooling around with side stories to old projects. I still haven’t figured out what I want to work on next.
2. Edit the web serial and improve it.
Did this. Well, I edited. I’m not exactly sure I improved it.
3. Figure out what I want to do next for my last WIP. It’s not quite ready to be looked at by others, so I want to get it there.
I didn’t do this, as I haven’t been quite ready to look at it. I may need input from others.
As I thought, pretty much nothing. Some months you just have to get through.
June Goals
1. Start posting the web serial again, and keep working on it.
2. Do something fun and distracting to recharge.
3. Work on getting beta readers for my WIP. Opening up to people with my work is hard, and I need people I can trust. So yeah. This is quite a task.
What do you want to do this month? Where do you look for beta readers?


  1. At least working on the etymology pages isn't on your list! I know how much you love to do that.

  2. I'm here if you need a reader. Tomorrow's the last day of school...

  3. Seems like you did pretty well with your May goals. I've heard it said that if we're editing something and it doesn't feel like we're improving anything that that means the project is finished. So maybe your web serial is done?

    Best of luck with your June goals. I can't offer to beta read for you now, but if you still need someone in a couple of months, check in with me.

  4. I have a small group of beta readers though they might not be tough enough on me. Good luck with your new goals.


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