Saturday, January 17, 2015


I must have screwed up the last time I tried to update my etymology page. Or maybe Blogger screwed up. Let's go with Blogger. Anyway, it deleted the page I had linking to my Language of Confusion posts. The unsurprising result was this.

No idea when this happened (hey, I don’t visit my own blog that much), although I first noticed it last month. Then I screamed in frustration for about ten days straight.

I managed to fix it (for real this time) and I figured I might as well update it through the end of 2014. Also, you should go there just to check out how nice and even the columns are. I made it in Excel this time and for some reason, Blogger didn’t lose the formatting this time. Who knows, this might just shame me into updating the other two pages, too.


  1. Hmm...
    I see a tab...
    I see a tab...
    I see a tab...

  2. For things like this, we need something along the lines of a teddy bear with the Blogger logo marked on it, so we can strangle it when the need arises.

  3. Looks good. Now. Just goes to show that we should back up absolutely everything someplace so as to make restoration easier. (Which reminds me I should get that backup hard drive out of its box and use it...)

  4. You didn't feed the technology gremlins, apparently. :/

  5. It is very pretty, and the columns are very straight.
    I bet it took hours and hours of work. I know it did.

    As for anyone saying, "Back it up!" -- How? How do you back up a blog? It's well beyond my capabilities!


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