Saturday, January 10, 2015

Over the Holidays

A comic three weeks after the fact because it took me that long to process Christmas.

Seriously, they argued about who the baby in that picture was for twenty frigging minutes. And no, they never did agree on who it was.


  1. Haha, yeah, Christmas with my family was interesting this year too. Thankfully without the body flips, but I think a few people were ready to throw punches, myself included.

  2. I'm not much of the hugging type either...

  3. In a strange way, I'm actually rather relieved that I was under the weather and not able to go see family this time out- that fourth one would have been me dealing with certain family members who shall go unnamed!

  4. Family is always interesting. :)

  5. My family would be thrilled with the GPS (or anything electronic). They're less than enthused over my knitted things.

  6. Ha, ha, ha! My MIL came to our house in the morning to deliver presents. She refused coffee or breakfast. She told us about every person she knew who was sick and at death's door. Then she complained about her daughter, whose house she had to visit next. Later I found out she went to the daughter's house and complained about us -- especially how we hadn't given her a drop to drink or a bite to eat. Sigh.


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