Tuesday, June 1, 2021

June Goals

Oh man. It’s June already? I can’t believe that happened. Just a few more weeks until summer here. What am I supposed to be doing?
May Goals
1. Add another 40K to the WIP.
This was the easy part, of course.
2. Go back to work on one of my old projects, which still needs to be beta read. If you’re interested, let me know.
It’s in progress! Although I wish I had more time to go over the beta reads!!!
3. Work on the notes. I know I’m not going to do it, but I can at least not forget about it.
If you’ve been paying attention these last few months, you should know how this went.
Not a bad month. I really wish I had more time, though. If someone could make the month twice as long, I’d get a lot more writing done. Anyway, June…
June Goals
1. Finish the latest WIP. It’s turned out a bit longer than I expected, but this should be easy.
2. Get to work on the beta reading notes for the old WIP. This one needs a lot more work!
3. Sigh. Actually work on the editing notes for my other WIP. Maybe it’ll be possible with the other one done.
That’s what I’ll have no time to do this month. What do you want to accomplish this June?


  1. Well done.
    Maybe it's just difficult to juggle several projects?

  2. You got some of it done, so that's a win. You'll get it all done eventually. For June I plan to veg out. We've got three more days of school, and then I'm going to do nothing for a bit. Because I need to do nothing for a bit.

  3. At least get one vaccine shot in would be nice for me.

  4. Sounds like you achieved a lot, even if you don't think so. Keep it up!


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