Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Resolutions 2020

Sigh. Yeah, time to do it again. Something about this year is leaving me a lot less motivated than usual.

1. Get WIP-1 ready to be published.

2. Finish editing WIP-2 to get it ready for beta reading.

3. Finish editing the other WIP that kind of got pushed aside after I decided to write WIP-2.

4. Write the two short side stories I have planned, and edit everything.

5. Maybe write the sequel to the other WIP. I don’t know, I’ll have to see if I have the time.

6. Work on my health and hopefully get better.

7. Not back down when I know what’s right. Ever.

So it’s 2020. A big year. What are you hoping for it?


  1. Lot of writing and editing, but you can do it! Now, take yourself for a walk. It's good for your health.

  2. I think I can't post what I'm hoping for in a public place.

  3. I'd like to get that amount of writing done this year. Okay, I'll settle for any at this point.

  4. School has started back up, so I'm ready to reread your novel. Whenever.

  5. That's a big plan. Wish you the best with all of it.

  6. I can relate all too well to #3. I have a stack of WIPs that just glare at me because they keep getting shoved aside for some other shiny story idea. I keep telling them I'll get back to them, but I'm not sure they believe it.

    I like #7, too. I need to do that as well.

    Best of luck with all your goals this year!

  7. That's quite a lot of writing and editing. I am sure you will be able to do it.
    Wish you good luck with your health.
    I haven't made any list of NY resolutions. But I am hoping to embark on something new this year. I have started work on it, and shall let you know as it materialises.


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