Saturday, October 27, 2018

Scary Movie

It’s Halloween season, so that means I’m watching scary movies with my mom. She gets a bit jumpy.

I think I know why she needs me around when she watches movies.


  1. You could have so much fun with her when watching The Ring...

  2. You'd think that watching the news these days is scary enough that Michael Myers would just earn a 'meh'.

    Telemarketers are the scourge of humanity and should be cast off the face of the planet post haste. That's right, I'm an anti-telemarketer.

  3. LOL. I stopped watching scary movies in my early twenties. I'm a chicken.

  4. Jump scares suck. There's a family story that involved my father's toe, and now no one will go near my mother during a scary movie. (And those two have been divorced for decades now.)

  5. Years ago, I worked the overnight shift at a hotel, and one night stupidly decided to watch Scream with a group of tween girls having a birthday party there. It made it really hard for me to answer the phone the rest of my shift.

    So yeah. I don't watch a lot of scary movies. They're just too scary for me. :)

  6. Scary movie? I do not watch them ever. My husband waits until I go to bed, watches them then.

  7. That's basically how I'd react.


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