Tuesday, April 1, 2014

A-to-Z Challenge: Art

It’s the A-to-Z challenge! I think it was made just for me this year because it starts on a Tuesday, which is one of my blogging days. With evidence like that, how could it not be true?

Today’s word: art.

Art showed up in the early thirteenth century basically meaning a practiced skill (i.e. the art of cooking, the art of kicking ass). It comes from the Old French art and classical Latin artem, which had pretty much the same skill/craft meaning. It can be traced all the way back to Proto Indo European, where it was ar-ti-. Oh, and that ar-? It means join or fit together. It’s also the root word for arm.



  1. Hi great to connect fellow a to z. I tried to follow your blog, but I got a 'not at this time' message. :(
    I will try again, but if I forget please nudge me on twitter: WriterBizWoman

  2. We could have fun with the original meaning of art couldn't we? ;)

    Just stopping by from the challenge. I'm number 330.

    Have a great month!

  3. The art of kicking ass - I would've studied that!

  4. Wow. I didn't realize that ar- was the root for arm, too. Awesome.

    Happy writing!

  5. Artistic meant skillful - now I know.

  6. The origin of Art (or in this case, the word Art). Very cool! :)

  7. The art of not sleeping... that's where I am, right now.

  8. And there's the art of war, too...

    I've noticed several times with blogger lately that you have to manually add by copying and pasting a blog link to follow it in add.

  9. Art and arm are related? I guess if you do art with your arm... No, that doesn't work.

  10. Hi dropping by from A-Z. I am the blog before yours.

    An artistic start to the challenge!


  11. Stopping by on the A to Z tour! Who knew art was the root word for arm? That's really cool, actually. Full of possibilities, that one.

  12. It makes sense that it's related to arm, but I think hand is more appropriate. Great theme.

  13. Wow I had no idea that art was a root word for a body part...that's so odd!

  14. I love these word-origin posts of yours! I always learn so much.

  15. I'm with Alex! That sounds like fun. Great "A" word!


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