Tuesday, February 27, 2024

The Only Reason

My mom didn’t ask, but she really doesn’t need to.
Panel 1, I’m on the phone with my mom and she says, “I signed us up to give blood on Monday!” Panel 2, I say, “Then they’re giving away Girl Scout Cookies again?” and she responds, “Of course. Why else would I do it?”

It was quite crowded. Everyone really wants those cookies.


  1. Cookies aren't enough I'm afraid. I have a thing about needles. Glad some of you can give blood though.

  2. I've never been allowed to give blood because I lived in the UK in the early '90s when there was an outbreak of Mad Cow Disease. I was a vegetarian at the time, but that doesn't seem to make a difference...

  3. You can order them online, you know. They'll bring them right to your house.

    (I once tried to give blood. Unsurprisingly, they couldn't find a vein, so they sent me away. When I have to have blood drawn for medical tests... Let's just say I end up feeling like a pincushion. If they can get it in under 8 tries, it's a success.)

  4. I know there is a real blood shortage. I try to give regularly. Good on you and lucky on the cookies.


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