Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Resolutions 2017

Well, it’s 2017. It has a pretty low bar set for it. Not turning into the world from The Hunger Games is pretty much all that needs to happen. Those of you with kids might want to start training them just in case.

Anyway, this is what I hope to do this year:

Resolutions 2017
1. Finish the first draft of my new WIP and hopefully start editing it.

2. Come up with an idea for a new story that I probably won’t have time to write but still want anyway.

3. Do the A-To-Z Challenge for the fourth time! Probably should get started on those posts. CANCELLED. I did not realize that one of the creators was a member of the rabid racist camp.

4. Build a rocket ship and move to Mars because I don’t want to live on this planet anymore.

5. Find a new project to work on in my spare time. You know, something easy that I can work on when I’m too tired to write.

6. Maybe don’t forget any of my resolutions this year :P.

7. Keep on blogging!

I don’t know what to expect from this year. There are plenty of things I’d like to do, but who knows if I’ll be able to. What do you want from 2017? I mean besides it not being as bad as 2016. That’s a given.


  1. You can always sign up for a ship to Mars if you don't have time to build one.

  2. Suddenly Mars is looking a lot more reasonable and hospitable.

  3. Mars? A little dry, cold and lacking in oxygen for me. I'll stay on Earth and keep fighting to make things better and I know you will too. I'm skipping A to Z for the first time ever but I have too much going on in the spring this year. It's freeing to not be worrying about all those posts, but I'll visit you and appreciate your work.

  4. I like red, but maybe not Mars red.

    Craft type projects are good for when brain cells are fried. Or searching through Pinterest for baby fruit bat pictures.

  5. For #5, have you considered coloring books? It's amazing how many interesting ones are out there now. I'd take it up, but I have a feeling I'd get them and then spend my time knitting instead.

    As for resolutions, I now have one. My first. I stole it from another blogger. I resolve to wake up on January 1, 2018.

  6. I hope 2017 is a nicer year to us all.

  7. I'm resolving to have nothing to do with A to Z probably ever again.

  8. Good luck with all of your goals! Especially the rocket ship one. ;)


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