Friday, February 25, 2011

Distraction Friday: And Now For Something Completely Different

I was supposed to be writing this post yesterday. I had a nice idea in mind, too. But I was feeling a little bored with...well, the internet. I took an "internet break." My laptop was still on and I was writing, but I wasn't looking up anything, I stayed away from Twitter (gasp!) and even Blogger (shudder...sorry for the lack of replies, by the way).

I know. It doesn't make sense when I type it out. But sometimes, one needs a break from social networking and internet distractions. So that's why for this Friday, the distraction is...turning off your internet connection.

The insanity! Still, a break is nice. I like visiting all my friend's blogs and reading their tweets, but sometimes I just want to be asocial and shut out the world. It's kind of nice, I have to admit. And here I am, back and ready to go!

So take a deep breath and hit the X in the upper right hand corner of your computer screen. You don't have to leave a comment. Distract yourselves with the joys of the non-internet.


  1. I'm taking your advice after this, :P. Have a great weekend all..

  2. Oh yeah, I'm so hearing you. Unfortunately I still have forty Crusaders to follow...

    After that I will shut down my computer and collapse in a heap - gladly!


  3. Great advice. Leaving for social interactions now. :)

  4. Good advice. Totally going to unplug this weekend... brain needs it.

  5. Blogging is a life sucker, that's for sure. But I like it. I will close up shop...soon. lol.

  6. What?? You want me to go interact with the actual, present world?? But, but, but... I don't remember how!!

  7. Just dropped by to say Hi! Short comment b/c I'm distracted by non-net ;)

  8. Taking a break from the internet is nice sometimes. Like a vacation from myself. Ahhh… Have a great weekend.

    Fellow Crusader,

  9. Hi - fellow crusader finally stopping by to say hi and follow :)

  10. I've been distracted long enough and now is the time to turn the internet back on for the weekend and get caught back up. I have been offline for almost a week. Yep...I admit that. :)


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